by Dr. Melissa Carr | Jul 15, 2020 | Acupuncture, Arthritis, Back Pain, depression, Detoxification, Digestion, energy, health care, Healthy Habits, Herbs and Supplements, holistic health, In the News, injury, mental health, Pain, Sleep, Stress, Supplements, Traditional Chinese Medicine
Now into our 5th month of the COVID-19 pandemic, some of us are in the best shape we’ve been in for awhile, making homemade healthy food, finding time to exercise and get outdoors, getting more and better sleep, and taking the opportunity to catch up on some...
by Dr. Melissa Carr | Jul 14, 2020 | Food, Recipe
Well, I’m actually not a big fan of ice cream. I mostly lost my appetite for ice cream while working in ice cream shops as a youth. I started to loathe the delicious dessert because of scraping and wiping ice cream off too many surfaces, freezing my butt off...
by Dr. Melissa Carr | Jul 8, 2020 | health care, Health Care system, Health Tips, Healthy Habits, immune system, In the News
The mask deal The rest of this article is about masking (and gloving), but some of you are already for masking and just want to know what I have to offer, so here it is. To note, I’m not sure for how long I’ll offer this deal in part because I don’t...
by Dr. Melissa Carr | Jun 7, 2020 | Acupuncture, Chinese herbs, health care, Herbs and Supplements, holistic health, Traditional Chinese Medicine
You’ve heard it time and time again. These are unprecedented times. Uncertain times. Of that, there is no question. Personally, I’m tired of hearing that. Because many of us need possibilities, options for what to do right now, not confirmation that things...
by Dr. Melissa Carr | Jun 1, 2020 | In the News
I know I normally write about health topics that are more obviously health topics, but this is about health too. We cannot be fully healthy as individuals if we are not healthy as a society… “I can’t breathe,” he said. While in the midst of a...