by Dr. Melissa Carr | Oct 24, 2014 | 24 Hours article, brain health, immune boosting, immune system
Of course I know that Throwback Thursday is supposed to happen on a Thursday, not a Friday, but I’m not throwing back that far…just to last month. I was away in September, so didn’t post my September 24 Hours articles that I had written in advance of...
by Dr. Melissa Carr | Oct 16, 2014 | 24 Hours article, Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine
Did you know that October 24th is Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (AOM) Day? I had fun writing the details about how a reporter’s acute appendicitis in 1971 helped bring awareness of the benefits of acupuncture to North America, not long before China re-opened...
by Dr. Melissa Carr | Oct 10, 2014 | 24 Hours article, Acupuncture, workplace wellness
Healthy lunch ‘n learn lectures, sleeping at the workplace, healthy food, walking meetings, and acupuncture at your work are all ways that we suggest you keep you and your colleagues healthy, not just during Healthy Workplace Month, but year-round. Check it out...
by Dr. Melissa Carr | Aug 23, 2014 | 24 Hours article, Acupuncture
Though summer is winding down, the weather report in Vancouver still calls for a rise in temperature again next week, so here are some reminder tips about how to stay cool and also how to manage insect stings. Beat the heat — don’t let it beat you _ Vancouver 24...
by Dr. Melissa Carr | Aug 22, 2014 | Food, Recipe
Yum! Mangoes. Mangoes have been called one of the most consumed fruits of the world. And no wonder. They are delicious–that’s why I’ve needed to include not my usual one, but two, recipes this month. They also have many health benefits. Rich in...