This is the time of year that you may hear a lot about Seasonal Affective Disorder.
Seasonal Affective Disorder is a mood disorder that most commonly occurs during the winter, particularly in areas where the days become darker for longer, so it is also known as the winter blues. It can, however, also occur with other seasons. People with SAD usually sleep more, feel more tired, feel depressed, and may crave more sweets and carbohydrates. Symptoms resolve with a change of seasons.
The Standard American Diet fits its anacronym. If you eat a diet high in sugar, simple carbs, and saturated or hydrogenated fats, and low in fibre, complex carbohydrates, and good fats (mono or polyunsaturated fats), then you eat a SAD menu.
Instead of focusing on the negative as typical of our current world, let’s add our own new SAD words that are actually happy and/or healthy combos!
Here’s a few of mine, but I’m sure you can do better! What would you like SAD to be?
Simply Avoiding Donuts, Sharing All Desserts, Skilful Acupuncture De-stressing
If you want to read more about the relationship between the Seasonal Affective Disorder and the Standard American Diet, read my newsletter article here.