Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a complex medical system and many of our skills take a lot of time and practice to learn well. While ear acupuncture does require skill and knowledge (especially regarding studies about diagnosis and which points work best), one of the benefits of ear seeds is that it’s safe and the foundation of how to use it is pretty simple.
Ear seeds are often used to calm the nervous system. It is also commonly used to treat and help manage addictions–drug, smoking, alcohol, food, and so forth. It can, however, also be applied for a wide range of conditions.
The way that I most often use ear seeds is to start with the point “Shenmen.” This point can be found in the highlighted location.
As you can see, there are areas on the ear demarcated for areas of your body or symptoms. If, for example, you have high blood pressure, you could place an ear seed at the “hypertension” point located on the left, lower third of this image. If you have knee issues, you could place an ear seed at the “knee” point located close to the highlighted Shenmen point.
Ear seeds can be left on for 3-7 days, but if you have sensitive skin or find the ear seed irritating, take it off before then. I don’t recommend leaving them on for longer than a week maximum because they may bother the skin (especially the metal ball with the Swarovski ear crystals, which I leave on for only 3-4 days) and they tend to lose their effect after 3-4 days anyway.
Press the seeds periodically to stimulate them.
If you don’t know how to get ear seeds or the beautiful Swarovski ear crystals, contacting me for details.
This is my video of how to use ear seeds.