by Dr. Melissa Carr | Mar 16, 2012 | Acupuncture, Chinese herbs, Health Care system, holistic health, integrative medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine
Yes, Traditional Chinese Medicine has been around for 3000-5000 years. Yes, it is the oldest continuously practiced medicine in current practice. Yes, other medicine like Aryuvedic and other native medicinal practices also have long historical records of practice....
by Dr. Melissa Carr | Mar 15, 2012 | Chinese herbs, headache, herbal tea, holistic health, pharmaceuticals, Traditional Chinese Medicine
I recently did a talk for a class of pharmacy students at the University of British Columbia. I wasn’t sure what they might already know about Traditional Chinese Medicine and what their views on it would be. I was happy when they asked me lots of questions...
by Dr. Melissa Carr | Mar 12, 2012 | health care, holistic health, Stress
If you’ve read a few of my posts, you’ll probably see that I sometimes use my dogs as examples of good health. It’s not because they are healthier than the people I know–though they may be; it’s because they lead such simple lives, in...
by Dr. Melissa Carr | Feb 17, 2012 | Acupuncture, Alternative Medicine, holistic health, integrative medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine
This morning I just read an article written for the online version of the newspaper The Vancouver Sun. The Sun is a reputable newspaper, but clearly not immune to inaccuracies. Case in point (no pun intended), their recent article called, “The Intricacies of...
by Dr. Melissa Carr | Feb 12, 2012 | Acupuncture, health care, holistic health, Traditional Chinese Medicine
For months I had been complaining that the garage door opener in my building was not working well. I would point and press the button…no door movement. Press again…nothing. Try a different angle, put my hand out the window, get out of my car. So...
by Dr. Melissa Carr | Feb 11, 2012 | Acupuncture, Chinese herbs, Food, herbal tea, holistic health, immune boosting, Supplements, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Uncategorized
One of the inside jokes we have as Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners is that TCM has two hearts and no brain. It may sound like it, but it’s really not a dig. In TCM we discuss function more than form. The two hearts are the physical heart and the...