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August might otherwise be known as BBQ month. In TCM, we have 5 seasons, not 4. The 5th season is called late summer and August is a mix of summer and late summer, so the organ systems that are most active are the Heart and Small Intestines and the Spleen and Stomach. The function of the Small Intestines, both energetic and physical, is to absorb nutrients. The main functions of the Spleen and Stomach are processing—both food/drink and thoughts. As you can see, a focus on digestion is particularly key this month.

You are not necessarily what you eat. More specifically, what you absorb and what gets into your cells is more important. If you frequently experience bloating, gas, digestive discomfort, or problems with your bowels, you may not be getting full benefit from the foods you are ingesting. Good food is a foundation of good health. You likely know that more vegetables and less junk food is part of a healthy diet. But perhaps you are unsure which particular foods are best suited for you.

If you’re struggling with digestive issues, you could try keeping a food diary. For one to two weeks, write down what you eat, approximately how much you eat, when you eat, and how you feel. You might notice some patterns coming up. Maybe the problem is your favourite food. Maybe cutting back on that for a bit and finding a better substitute will be worth it for you to feel more energized with fewer health issues.

For the occasional buffet or treats, keep some digestive enzyme supplements on hand. Chew your food well as digestion starts in your mouth. Pay attention to the smell, appearance, taste, and texture or your food as you eat. You might enjoy your food more and also reap some of the benefits of allowing your body more time to process.

Drink liquids in between meals instead of with your food so you are less likely to dilute your digestive juices and more likely to properly chew your food. Get your fill of fibre and plenty of water. Ginger, papaya, slippery elm, peppermint, and the Chinese herbs mai ya, shen qu, and shan zha may help your digestive system. Ask me for TCM herbal remedies, as I have many.

Also, don’t stress over every bite you take, as doing so can increase stress hormones that ultimately impair your digestive process.

Oh, and if you do want some healthy BBQ options, check out my blog Healthy BBQ Recipes and Ideas. Bon appetit!