Ron Velin

I have been wanting to write this letter to you for a long time. This is to thank you profusely for helping me heal the injury I sustained while rollerblading. During the summer I came to see you 3 days after tearing my hamstring and adductor muscles after I tripped while rollerblading in Stanley Park. I was in severe pain and having difficulty walking – going uphill was not possible unless moving backwards. In fact even sitting put too much pressure on it and sleeping was difficult. The only thing mildly enjoyable about the injury was observing the tapestry of blues and purples which appeared as my injury “ripened”.24 hours after one acupuncture treatment to improve blood supply and support healing to the area I noticed a major improvement. My mobility improved dramatically and I found that I was able to walk more easefully and sleep through the night with much less pain. Your skill and wisdom in treating me complemented and in fact, allowed for the active release treatments I received a week later from a chiropractor. Thank you again Melissa. With great appreciation,