Dr. Joehel Blanca
Champlain Chiropractic

Dear Dr. Carr,

I have always had a struggle with allergies and my sinuses during the springtime. I suffered from itchy eyes, runny nose, sore throat, coughing and sneezing. I had poor sleep and was irritable in the morning. In the past I would load up on pharmaceuticals as I wanted a quick and effective remedy. Claritin, Sinutab and various nasal sprays were always in my golf bag in the spring.

As a chiropractor I usually look for natural remedies first because like you we help others help themselves. I went for acupuncture and herbal support for my allergies and the results were quick and effective. I would say 80% improved.

So, I have found a great natural way to control and reduce my allergies. Plus, I don’t have to carry Dr. Carr in my golf bag.