
Modern research of ancient and new natural health practices.

Is there evidence for the effectiveness of acupuncture, Chinese herbs, supplements, and good nutrition–some of the basics of Traditional Chinese Medicine? Yes. Here are some basic examples of that research, though you can find much, much more via a PubMed online search.

A comprehensive website for evidence-based acupuncture:

Effectiveness of Acupuncture for Sleep

Over its 2500 years of development, a wealth of experience has accumulated in the practice of acupuncture, attesting to the wide range of diseases and conditions that can be effectively treated with this approach.

— World Health Organization (WHO)

[Note: This report has 293 references!]

acupuncture Vancouver BC natural health TCM

People question whether acupuncture has a true therapeutic effect, or whether it works merely through the placebo effect, the power of suggestion, or the enthusiasm with which patients wish for a cure. There is therefore a need for scientific studies that evaluate the effectiveness of acupuncture under controlled clinical conditions. Some of these studies have provided incontrovertible scientific evidence that acupuncture is more successful than placebo treatments in certain conditions.For example, the proportion of chronic pain relieved by acupuncture is generally in the range 55–85%, which compares favourably with that of potent drugs (morphine helps in 70% of cases) and far outweighs the placebo effect (30–35%). In addition, the mechanisms of acupuncture analgesia have been studied extensively since the late 1970s, revealing the role of neural and humoral factors.

— World Health Organization (WHO)