If you would like to add your own story, a friend is trying to create a book to commemorate the Olympics/Paralympics. This is her blurb and the link to her blog where she is gathering stories:
Hello everyone
Laurie Johansen and I are writing a book about the 2010 Vancouver Olympics and Paraolympics.
Throughout the Olympics so many people felt and experienced the incredible, positive energy of the Olympic Spirit, generated by the Olympics. It didn’t matter if you were in Vancouver, or across the other side of the world, the Spirit was felt. But no one could really define what “it” was.. we hope to accomplish this and more through the book.
This book will be a collaboration of people trying to define what “it” was, what “it” means to each one of us in our own worlds and what we can do to maintain that spirit and use “it” in our daily lives.
We invite you to join us in this collaborative process by expressing your thoughts, feelings, insights and experiences on our blog, With Glowing Hearts, http://withglowing-hearts.blogspot.com , or by emailing Sue (sue@suestudios.com) directly with photos and stories.
We would like to gather many perspectives – torch bearers, volunteers, athletes, tourists, Canadians, and international people from around the world – young and old, from all walks of life. Let us record our memories in print before they fade and give expression to the spirit and dynamic of the Olympic essence that touched us all.
Thank you for all of your help, contributions and support.
Susan Chepelsky