Earth Day happened on April 22nd, as it has since 1970. I was happy to hear from many about their regular contributions and commitments to making choices that benefit or minimize the detriment on our environment. But I was surprised about how many people forgot about Earth Day and also forgot about Earth Hour (when we were supposed to turn off all unnecessary power for just one hour on March 27th).
Of course it’s never too late and it’s really not about that one hour or that one day. It’s about making big or small changes that collectively make a difference in lessening each of our negative impacts on our one and only planet Earth.
This year I thought about what I have done so far:
– the 3 Rs: reducing, reusing, recycling
– donations to the David Suzuki Foundation and the World Wildlife Foundation
– having meat-free meal days at least a few times a week
– choosing organic foods and products as much as possible
– choosing local foods as much as possible
– turning off lights and other powered items when not in use
– carry a reusable bag with me, always
– walk to work most days
– I opted out of receiving the Yellow Pages in paper format. I never use it. You can do the same by going to:
But I have room for improvement. I compiled a list of items that I could do.
– I’m minimizing the printing that I do at the office by emailing receipts as much as possible (many patients find that easier anyway as they can keep their receipts organized more easily and find that they don’t need them all printed) and double-siding my printing. I’m also using scrap paper my husband collects from his office to print much of my stuff.
– carry a “Care bag” for my veggies and fruit when I go grocery shopping, so I don’t have to use a plastic bag for them
– ask for a mug when I get a hot drink at a cafe (they usually assume I want a paper cup, so I have to remember to tell them) or remember to bring my own
– I already use biodegradable bags to pick up after my dogs, but now I use whatever other plastic bags I get as well, e.g. from bread; might as well reuse them at least
– talked to my strata council about making some small changes to the building that can help
There’s more, but…you get the picture.
The point here is, that I’d love for you to join me in my attempt to make as big a difference as possible by working together and inspiring each other. Join the team I started to make your changes and be entered to win a prize! I’ll enter everyone who joins for one prize and a prize to the top contributor as well (I will only mail prizes within Canada though). Go to Sign up. Click on Join a Team. Join “Active Life”.