New to acupuncture? Limited health budget? Starting in MAY and for a limited number of sessions, Connect Health is offering a few group acupuncture sessions. Call now for one of these coveted spots.
What is Group Acupuncture?
In a typical group acupuncture setting, you will receive your treatment in a room with 1-3 other people. Treatments are booked every 20 minutes, so you can quietly discuss your concern with your practitioner before receiving the actual treatment. We do ask that patients be mindful of being as quiet as possible so that everyone can benefit from a relaxing and peaceful environment.
Even though there isn’t any group chat, some people find it reassuring knowing they are not alone. There is a sense of community that is created when people experience their health collectively. Better yet, book times with your family and/or friends, so you can get healthy together.
This is a fantastic option for people who are seeking additional treatments, but for whom cost may be a barrier. This setting may not be right for you if you feel that privacy may be a concern. Additionally, if you are seeking acupuncture for a fairly complex health issue, it might be better treated in a longer one-on-one session with our registered doctors of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Dr. Carr or Dr. Cmolik.
Paula Woodward is a registered Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner from Kelowna who will be offering the group acupuncture sessions May 7th, June 4th, June 25th, and August 13th for $25 per treatment.
We look forward to seeing you, and if you have any questions about whether or not group acupuncture might be right for you, please feel free to contact Connect Health’s office at 604-733-4400.
By Paula Woodward and Dr. Melissa Carr