“I live a healthy life. I eat well. I don’t drink. I don’t smoke. I don’t do drugs. Why do I need to cleanse?”
Even if you live healthy, you cannot avoid all toxins if you live in the city. We are bombarded by toxins from our food, our water and other beverages, the air, makeup, body care products, household cleaning products, dry cleaning chemicals, paint, plastics, and the list goes on. Just how toxic are we?
A 2007 study by Mount Sinai School of Medicine and the Environmental Working Group (EWG) took a small sampling of average individuals and tested them for their toxic load. They found an average of:
- 53 cancer causing toxins
- 62 substances toxic to the nervous system and brain
- 55 toxins associated with birth defects
Most of these toxic substances didn’t exist 75 years ago.
They suggested 5 steps to reducing your toxic exposure:
- Eat organic foods
- Limit your fat intake as toxins are stored in fat (animal fat)
- Limit your beauty products (or at least choose more natural ones–read the labels carefully and learn which are better and which are worse)
- Avoid stain removers
- Avoid seafood high in mercury
Check out this NBC news report from 2007: NBC News Report on Toxins