Wow, what I week it’s been! You’re likely getting tons of emails from various businesses letting you know that the events you bought tickets for have been cancelled, that your gym or yoga studio is closed, or the cleaning policies and changed hours of operation for various restaurants, retail stores, and services.
I am still seeing patients and am encouraging my patients to come in. It’s particularly important now to support your good health and calm your nervous system. Just because this virus is the main focus of all things health now doesn’t mean that your pains, digestive issues, insomnia, headaches, hormonal imbalance, anxiety, or other health issues have gone away.
Although according to Vancouver Coastal Health and other health authorities, the risk of transmission of COVID-19 is still low in our province, I am aware that you may still have concerns about how to stay healthy during this time.
As a healthcare practitioner, I know that I have even more on my shoulders to make sure that you feel (and are) safe when you come in to see me. As such, I’ve created some new policies and taken steps to ensure that you can get the health care you need from me, while protecting everyone at stake and following (or exceeding) guidelines offered by my regulatory college and our Provincial Health Officer.
Firstly, the clinic is taking the precautions recommended by BC Center for Disease Control to keep you safe.
Here is what the clinic is doing to ensure your well-being:
- We have implemented rigorous measures to disinfect areas and objects that are frequently touched, such as front desk area, seating area, all the doorknobs, bathroom facilities, etc.
- Instructions for effective hand washing are posted in the staff room and washroom.
- We regularly review information and recommendations from our college and other health authorities, and will adjust our efforts accordingly to keep our patients safe.
- The clinic wait room is large, so you can easily keep at least 6-feet away from other patients.
What I’m doing:
- I’m not treating or getting close to anyone who’s sick or who has traveled outside of the country for the previous 14 days so that I can avoid being a vector/carrier of the virus.
- I have created buffers in my scheduling so that moving forward, your booking for 1 hour books in for 90 minutes so that I have extra time to remove all linens and wipe down all surfaces before the next patient enters the room. There is no change to your billing and your appointment time remains the same.
- For those who are in self-isolation or who simply are severely limiting their exposure to others, I am now offering phone or video consultations so I can prescribe Chinese herbal formulas or recommend supplements or dietary and lifestyle changes. Some herbs or supplements can be drop shipped direct to you. Some supplements are ones you will be able to find in stores.
- If you want acupuncture treatment, but cannot come into the clinic, I can see you at your home. I have opened up my Thursdays for that option now, but you’ll need to contact me directly (email or call or text 604-783-2846).
Here’s what you can do to help:
If you experience fever, cough, difficulty breathing, or other flu-like symptoms, please stay home and I will be happy to reschedule your appointment. I am waiving short-notice cancellation fees, but please let me know as soon as you can.
- If you have been in contact or suspect that you may be in contact with someone who is infected by COVID-19, please practice self-isolation for 14 days and we will re-schedule your appointment.
- If you have recently traveled outside of Canada, please wait 14 days before you come into our clinic for your appointment.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth, and in case you need to sneeze, use a tissue or sneeze into your elbow.
- Wash hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds (sing the “Happy Birthday” song twice).
- Recognize that this also the start of allergy season. If you see someone sneezing, sniffling, or coughing, don’t panic. Simply allow them space and do not touch the things they touch or wash your hands if you are worried that they may be sick.
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me.
To book in your appointment (either in clinic or by phone or video), you can do so via my online booking system. For scheduling at-home visits with me, please contact me directly to make arrangements. The cost for onsite visits is $140, but I will be offering a 10% discount for this for seniors.