by Dr. Melissa Carr | Mar 14, 2020 | Acupuncture, Chinese herbs, health care, Health Tips, Healthy Habits, immune boosting, immune system, In the News, Stress, Traditional Chinese Medicine
A friend of mine recently posted that she was de-stressing by dancing around her kitchen in front of her bemused cats to her own COVID-19 playlist. My dogs are so used to seeing me dance around my place like a fool as a way to de-stress or simply have fun that they...
by Dr. Melissa Carr | Feb 21, 2020 | Chinese herbs, Healthy Habits, herbal tea, Herbs and Supplements, Traditional Chinese Medicine
I get it. The Chinese herbal formulas I normally make for my patients can taste awful. They aren’t designed to be delicious. They are customized to improve your health, and I will warn you that you may curse me as you take your first sips. But, the good news is...
by Dr. Melissa Carr | Feb 14, 2020 | Health Tips, Healthy Habits, Traditional Chinese Medicine
My Nana turns 100 years old today. There are lots of ideas about what people do to be able to live such a long life and I will discuss that in this article, but first, just think about what life was like 100 years ago. So different! 100 Years Ago Certainly you...
by Dr. Melissa Carr | Jan 28, 2020 | Exercise, Food, Health Tips, Healthy Habits, holistic health, Sleep
When I do an Instagram search of #selfcare, it shows up (as of this very moment) as 22,953,025 posts. Most of those are beauty posts (so many products) and cheesy memes that flash across your screen but change little. Self care is so much more than this. Don’t...
by Dr. Melissa Carr | Apr 5, 2019 | acupressure, Acupuncture, Chinese herbs, Eyes, Health Tips, Healthy Habits
A patient recently asked me if I think that the universe offers messages about things to focus on, things to let go of, and direction to take. I answered that the older I get, the more I believe that to be the case. I also, however, believe that things are not set in...
by Dr. Melissa Carr | Dec 20, 2018 | Health Tips, Healthy Habits
I get it. For many, now is not the best time to list off the things you should and shouldn’t do for your health. Anyway, you know the basic score: eat more veggies, eat less processed foods, get enough sleep, quit smoking, limit the booze, meditate, exercise,...