Time to get gutsy for Crohn’s and colitis

Most everyone knows that this month is Movember, putting the focus on men’s health. The public and media attention that has been brought to this is wonderful. Few people, however, know that November is also Crohn’s and Colitis Awareness Month. For more,Time to ‘get...

Feeding the Good Bacteria

Perhaps you’ve heard of probiotics through yogurt commercials showing a joyfully dancing belly, arrows pointing downward, and hands forming heart shapes over the abdomen, all  inferring some of the benefits of these good bacteria. Yogurt and other fermented...

Digestion According to TCM

My article as printed in Inside Tract about TCM and digestion: “What foods should I eat?” For my patients both with and without digestive health issues, this is a common question. My answer is not that simple. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) principles have me...

Relearn how to eat

When was the last time you thought about HOW you eat? No, I’m not talking about what you eat, that’s another posting or two or three, probably lots more. Think about how you eat. Do you notice that you finish your snacks or meals without knowing how that...