by Dr. Melissa Carr | Jul 15, 2020 | Acupuncture, Arthritis, Back Pain, depression, Detoxification, Digestion, energy, health care, Healthy Habits, Herbs and Supplements, holistic health, In the News, injury, mental health, Pain, Sleep, Stress, Supplements, Traditional Chinese Medicine
Now into our 5th month of the COVID-19 pandemic, some of us are in the best shape we’ve been in for awhile, making homemade healthy food, finding time to exercise and get outdoors, getting more and better sleep, and taking the opportunity to catch up on some...
by Dr. Melissa Carr | Jul 14, 2016 | Detoxification, Digestion, Food, Heart health, weight
Non-Starch Polysaccharides–AKA Fibre Foods Non-starch polysaccharides is not an easy term to remember, or to market as part of a nutritious diet. More commonly termed dietary fibre, it includes cellulose, hemicellulose, and pectins (though it gets complicated...
by Dr. Melissa Carr | Jun 1, 2015 | Detoxification, Food, Review
Gluten-free isn’t the only growing health food trend—juicing companies are popping up all over. Juicing has been around for thousands of years. The ancient Greeks juiced pomegranates in 1700 B.C., calling it a love potion. When I was in Turkey last fall, one of my...
by Dr. Melissa Carr | May 28, 2015 | 24 Hours article, Chinese herbs, Detoxification, Herbs and Supplements
Our world is full of chemicals that are toxic to us if allowed to accumulated in our bodies. Toxins are found in food, makeup, skincare products, and cleaning products, but also even in some supplements and herbal products. Canada has much stricter rules regarding...
by Dr. Melissa Carr | Feb 20, 2015 | 24 Hours article, Detoxification, Healthy Habits
Happy New Year! Again. It’s the lunar new year for 2015, and a second chance to do the things that will help make this a great healthy and happy year! It’s the Year of the Goat, and though we might think of goats as being able to eat and digest anything,...
by Dr. Melissa Carr | Mar 25, 2014 | Acupuncture, Chinese herbs, Detoxification, Traditional Chinese Medicine
Spring has sprung and with it comes thoughts of spring cleaning, both of household and body. According to traditional Chinese medicine principles, this is the season most connected to working on liver and gallbladder issues, so now is a great time to do a cleanse....