Computer and Commuter Pain

As summer holidays come to an end, many people are now back to spending hours hunched over a keyboard, pounding out letters and numbers, slouched over a steering wheel in rush-hour traffic and stooped under the weight of heavy backpacks full of books. For tips on how...


This morning I was blessed to be able to practice my yoga. The teacher’s goal today was to help us learn to fly. My favourite! I think I may have been a bird in another life as I used to look forward to my flying dreams. Sadly, being an adult, those dreams seem...

Feeding the Good Bacteria

Perhaps you’ve heard of probiotics through yogurt commercials showing a joyfully dancing belly, arrows pointing downward, and hands forming heart shapes over the abdomen, all  inferring some of the benefits of these good bacteria. Yogurt and other fermented...

Which herb is this?

Which herb is… – a good source of vitamin K? – anti-bacterial? – protects against radiation? – good to treat carpal tunnel syndrome, indigestion, insect bites, and pneumonia? – a delicious summer market find? This herb is just one...