“Mother Grain” to Boost Immunity

The Incas called quinoa (pronounced KEEN-wah) the “mother grain” because it is so nutritionally rich. It contains all 8 essential amino acids, vitmain B2, B3, iron, calcium, magnesium, and fibre. It is also a good source of vitamin E and zinc, necessary...

Hinny, AKA H1N1

Check out these bits of info on the H1N1 virus, fear mongering, and vaccine: From Rick Mercer: http://www.rickmercer.com/blog/index.cfm/2009/11/3 From an old 60 minutes report on the swine flu of 1976:...

We’re going to PumpKin you up!

Halloween is now over.I knew this to be true not just because October is done. Not just because I put my dogs’ Halloween costumes (yes, I am one of those people, but only once a year…well maybe once or twice a year). And not just because the kids I see are...